The Consortium is a statewide collaborative resource to facilitate problem-solving across counties as they work to safely address the needs of youth at the deepest end of the juvenile justice service and treatment continuum. The Consortium will help counties who do not have a needed program partner with another county who has the capacity to keep youth within the juvenile system and avoid the transfer of high-need youth to the adult criminal system.
Providing information about all of the available secure youth treatment facilities across the state to ensure that every youth receives the specialized treatment and programming options they need. The information provided by the Consortium to local probation departments could help secure the confidence of juvenile court judges for youth to remain in juvenile court even if there is not the necessary program within the youth’s own county.
The Consortium can assist counties by providing information about the availability of high-quality programs in different regions across the state that are culturally responsive, trauma-informed, evidence-based, age appropriate, as close to home as possible, centered on youth and family engagement, and based on positive youth development.
Counties can help maximize their resources through inter-county collaboration and problem-solving particularly for those youth who have the most specialized needs.
The Consortium is a statewide collaborative resource to facilitate problem-solving across counties as they work to safely address the needs of youth at the deepest end of the juvenile justice service and treatment continuum. The Consortium will help counties who do not have a needed program partner with another county who has the capacity to keep youth within the juvenile system and avoid the transfer of high-need youth to the adult criminal system.
Providing information about all of the available secure youth treatment facilities across the state to ensure that every youth receives the specialized treatment and programming options they need. The information provided by the Consortium to local probation departments could help secure the confidence of juvenile court judges for youth to remain in juvenile court even if there is not the necessary program within the youth’s own county.
The Consortium can assist counties by providing information about the availability of high-quality programs in different regions across the state that are culturally responsive, trauma-informed, evidence-based, age appropriate, as close to home as possible, centered on youth and family engagement, and based on positive youth development.
Counties can help maximize their resources through inter-county collaboration and problem-solving particularly for those youth who have the most specialized needs.
The Consortium is a statewide collaborative resource to facilitate problem-solving across counties as they work to safely address the needs of youth at the deepest end of the juvenile justice service and treatment continuum. The Consortium will help counties who do not have a needed program partner with another county who has the capacity to keep youth within the juvenile system and avoid the transfer of high-need youth to the adult criminal system.
Providing information about all of the available secure youth treatment facilities across the state to ensure that every youth receives the specialized treatment and programming options they need. The information provided by the Consortium to local probation departments could help secure the confidence of juvenile court judges for youth to remain in juvenile court even if there is not the necessary program within the youth’s own county.
The Consortium can assist counties by providing information about the availability of high-quality programs in different regions across the state that are culturally responsive, trauma-informed, evidence-based, age appropriate, as close to home as possible, centered on youth and family engagement, and based on positive youth development.
Counties can help maximize their resources through inter-county collaboration and problem-solving particularly for those youth who have the most specialized needs.